Different instruments used for auscultation


Large animals

  • Phonendoscope
  • Tuning fork
  • Stethoscope
  • Acoustic hammer

Small animals

  • Stethoscope
  • Tuning fork
  • Acoustic hammer

Other instruments used during auscultation of bovines

  • Tuning fork
  • Pain seeking hammer
  • Acoustic hammer
  • Plexor and pleximeter
  • Cardiosonic stethoscope

Different types of stethoscope

  • Monoaural stethoscope
  • Binaural
  • Cardiosonic
  • Monoaural: One earpiece is attached to a single connecting tube, which in turn is connected to the chest piece.
  • Binaural stethoscope: In these two earpieces which are connected to the two connecting tubes, which in turn are connected to the single chest piece. Based on the chest piece it is divided into a). ford or bell type b). bowl type.
    • Ford type: it has bell like appearance, made up of rubber or metal and has an opening with a diameter of about 1/8 ² . It is used to auscultate the hallow organs like intestines.
    • Bowl type: it has got the circular piece and is used to auscultate the superficial organs. The connecting tube of the above types stethoscope have a length of 6-8 ² with an internal diameter of 3/16 ².
  • Cardiosonic stethoscope: Has 3 chest piece and is used in cardio-vascular study.

Phonendoscope and its advantages over stethoscope in large animal practice

  • Phonendoscope is a type of stethoscope particularly used in large animal practice of auscultation. Description: it has a metal diaphragm surrounded by a rubber ring ad connecting tube is made of rubber. It has a metallic earpiece.
  • Double diaphragm, which helps to precise locations and amplifications of, even a faint sound.
  • Modem phonendoscopes have one chest piece with a self-acoustic stiff diaphragm with rubber beading suitably designed to make the animals skin to act as second diaphragm. Stiff diaphragm is the important feature.
  • Chest piece is connected by two metal tubes at specific angles to amplify the sounds.
  • Double diaphragm system enables the clinician to identify the functional sounds arising from restricted areas such as heart values in large animals.
  • The rubber ring also minimizes the friction sound.
  • Rubber connecting tube prevents the extraneous sounds.
  • Metal chest piece and ear-piece are more strong and advantageous. Thus they pick up only pathological sounds.
Last modified: Thursday, 19 April 2012, 7:31 AM