

Specimen collection

  • Tray should contain needles, syringes, glass slides, specimen tubes, pencil, scalpel, blade, fine forceps.

Impression smear

  • A small drop of material or tissue fragment is placed on a glass slide at one end. The specimen is gently compressed by placing a second slide on the top. The cellular material is spread by pulling the two slides apart. Cells are exfoliated by gently pressing the blotted tissues surface to a glass slide.

Fixation staining

  • Fixation in 95% ethanol before the cellular material dries – for special staining
  • Wright’s stain and New methylene blue stain require air dried smears.

Most laboratories prefer plastic or foam containers for mailing slides. Air dried slides and formalin fixed slides should be packed separately.

Last modified: Thursday, 19 April 2012, 10:21 AM