Clinical significance


Estimatin of urea and BUN

Normal Value

  • Dog : 12-25 mg/dl
  • Bovine : 20-30 mg/dl

Clinical Significance

  • Decreased level of BUN in
    • Protein malnutrition
    • Hepatic insufficiency
  • Increased level of BUN noticed in
    • Physiological factors (Pre Renal )
      • High protein diet, dry food and canned food.
      • Catabolic break down of tissue as consequence of fever ,trauma, infection and toxemia.
      • Haemorrhage into gastrointestinal tract
      • Iatrogenically by administration of certain drugs
      • Anything that reduce renal blood flow
        • Cardiovascular disease
        • Shock (septic or traumatic)
      • Factors that reduce net Glomerular filteration pressure
        • Hypotension
        • Shock
        • Adrenocortical insufficiency
        • Dehydration
        • Increased protein osmotic pressure
    • Renal 
      • Elevation of BUN occur when approximately 70% of nephron are non functional
    • Post Renal Uremia
      • It occurs with obstruction or rupture of excretory pathway of urine ( ureters, bladder and urethra)  and enlargement of prostate gland 
Last modified: Saturday, 17 December 2011, 3:41 AM