

  • Purpose
    • blood sample collection
    • intravenous medication administration
    • intravenous catheter placement
  • Sites
    • Central
      • The jugular vein may be used in dogs or cats.
      • central veins are preferred when collecting more than 5mls in dogs or 2mls in cats, or when administering hypertonic medications.
    • Peripheral
      • The cephalic vein is useful in dogs or cats for smaller volumes of blood and when administering isotonic medications.
      • The medial saphenous vein is useful in cats for smaller volumes of blood and when administering isotonic medications.
      • The lateral saphenous vein is useful in dogs for smaller volumes of blood and when administering isotonic medications.

jugular venipuncture

Last modified: Friday, 20 April 2012, 10:21 AM