

  • Helminths of veterinary importance are classified under the two phyla Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes. Class Acanthocephala is also included under helminths in Phylum Nemathelminths.
  • The helminths are invariably endoparasitic. Marked variations exist in their size, shape, morphological characters, site of infection, disease caused and life cycles, which help in their identifications.
  • Various methods are adopted to assess the helminthic infection of an animal or bird:
    • Indirect method: Pathognomonic symptoms
    • Direct method: Examination of various discharges, blood and scrapings of the affected regions.
    • Sacrificing an animal or post mortem of dead animal and looking for the parasite.
  • In helminthic infection of animals there are not very many characteristic symptoms that give a positive evidence of the disease agent. The symptoms can only lead to a surmise to be confirmed by other diagnostic methods.
  • However, a few diseases like nasal schistosomosis, coenurosis, ancylostomiosis etc., evoke characteristic symptoms. Hence, diagnosis of verminous condition is solely based on the examination of various clinical materials like faeces, urine, discharges from organs, blood, scrapings etc.
  • Serological tests and molecular biological techniques also help in the diagnosis of few of the helminthic diseases.
Last modified: Tuesday, 26 October 2010, 6:41 AM