Absorption and Fate


  • Organochlorines are readily absorbed from skin and mucous membrane as they are highly lipid soluble.
  • Organochlorines are not highly volatile and hence inhalation is not a major problem. But aerosols can be absorbed.
  • Organochlorines are distributed to vital organs namely liver, kidney and brain. But they do not get accumulated in the vital organs.
  • They readily accumulate in the lipid depots.
  • Metabolism is mainly by mixed function oxidases and the metabolite may be non toxic than the parent compound.
  • Dieldrin and heptachlor epoxide are persistent in the body and the environment.
  • Excretion is mainly in the faeces and in lactating animals, it is excreted in milk.
Last modified: Saturday, 26 November 2011, 11:13 AM