Fracture of the mandible symphysis,ramus


Fracture of the Mandible


  • Kicks falls or direct violence.
  • symptoms
  •  repulsion of tooth
  • site of fracture can be on body, one / two rami, the condyle / coronoid process.


  • Fracture through symphysis
    • Replace the fragments in their normal position and maintain them by joining the teeth on either side by wire.
    • In dogs the two jaws can be fixed by bandage.
  • Fracture through one side of body
    • Reduce the fracture, wire the teeth, so as to make the affected side intact.
    • Bones may be united by wire sutures.


Mandibular fracture


  • Transverse fracture through the body or through both rami near the symphysis
    • Wiring incisors to the first molars may be useful in conjunction with an apparatus to form a ‘V’ fixed to the lower jaw.
    • The apex ‘v’ being spoon – shaped to support the chin and its branches being grooved to adapt themselves to the horizontal rami.
    • Wire sutures through the bone are the best means of immobilizing the seat of fracture.
    • In condition of necrosis of bone , amputation may be done.
  • Fracture of  ramus on one side
    • Requires no treatment , because of rare chance of displacement.
    • A blister may be applied on the skin at the level of fracture. Blister cause additional inflammation and hyperemia, which hastens the healing process.
    • In all cases of fracture of jaws, soft easily masticated food is indicated.
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 6:59 AM