- Bacterial, virual, rickettsial infections
- Trauma (including irritation caused by eyelashes, in entropion, trichiasis, distichiasis, etc).
- Chemical irritants
- Parasites in eye.
- Allergy
- Deficiency diseases (Vitamin A, Riboflavin, etc.).
- Senility (due to old age)
- Neoplastic conditions as dermoids.
- Toxaemia
- Diabetes
Keratitis is a painful condition.
Photophobia and blepharospasm
There is loss of lusture of the cornea.
The transparency of the cornea is altered and cloudiness or opacity is evident.
Vascularisation of the cornea (pannus) may be noticed in severe cases.
The vessels invading the cornea may originate either from the superficial vessels of the conjunctiva or from the deeper ciliary vessels, situated at the limbus.
Vessels originating from the conjunctiva are bright red, wavy and superficial whereas the ciliary vessels appear pale or bluish grey and have a more or less straight course. In chronic cases these vessels are arranged in a brich – broom fashion.
- Remove the cause.
- NSAIDS topically to relieve pain.
- Irrigating with antiseptic solutions like 5% povidone iodine.
- Adequate intake of vitamin A, D and B-complex.
- Instilling topical antibiotics following a ABST.
- Adminstration of antibiotics
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 7:26 AM