

  • May be due to automobile accidents, gunshot wounds, falling from heights and rupture of necrotic tumours. Can be classified as
    • Transcapsular
    • Sub capsular
    • Central


  • Hypovolaemia due to Acute blood loss
  • Endotoxaemia (coliform or anaerobic)
  • Bile peritonitis


  • From Haematology and Serum biochemistry
  • Radiography and Ultrasonography
  • From peritoneal lavage and centesis

Treatment – Should include the following

  • Management of shock
  • Control of haemorrhage
  • Surgery  should aim at  excision of dead liver tissue, suturing the lacerated liver tissue, control of haemorrhage, and drainage of bile contents from the peritoneal cavity
Last modified: Friday, 1 July 2011, 9:53 AM