Ventral Hernia


  • Ventral or lateral adnominal hernia is the term used to describe a hernia through any part of the abdominal wall other than a natural orifice. This condition is common in horse,goat  and cattle and is generally acquired in nature.


  • Any trauma – horn thrust in cattle, violent contact with blunt objects, weakening of the abdominal muscle
  • Violent straining during parturition – common in sheep
  • Ventral or lateral hernia is usually seen along costal arch, high or low in flank and between the last few ribs in the ventral abdominal wall near the midline


  • Size of the hernial ring varies in diameter. The hernial swelling is usually very prominent.
  • It is difficult to palpate the hernial ring in initial stages due to oedema or haematoma surrounding tissue.
  • Strangulation is very rare. Nature of hernial contents depends on the site of herniation.


  • When the hernia is harmless – herniorrhaphy is elective; not an emergency.
  • It is advisable to delay the surgical repair until the inflammation subsides.
  • Prolonged delay may cause complications due to adhesions between the displaced viscera and subcutaneous tissue.
  • If hernia is complicated (due to incarceration/ strangulation) immediate surgical intervention is required.


  • An elliptical or linear incision is made over the hernial swelling. The contents are reduced.

Dorsal_Recumbency Hernial_Ring

Dorsal recumbency

Hernial ring

  • The peritoneal sac is ligated or sutured close to the ring and amputated.

Herniorrhaphy Prolene_mesh


Prolene mesh

  •  The hernial ring is debrided and sutured using overlapping sutures with a non absorbable suture material.


Onlay grafting

  • Hernioplasty using prolene mesh as onlay graft.
  • The skin incision may be sutured with a vertical mattress sutures.

Post operative care

Immediate post operative

  • Amount of feed should be restricted.
  • Supportive bandage may be placed around the abdomen. Tear of scar tissue during parturition and recurrence of hernia may occur in some cases.
Last modified: Monday, 26 September 2011, 8:50 AM