Portosystemic shunts


  • Blood draining from the stomach, intestines, pancreas and spleen (portal blood) has to pass through the liver before going into the systemic circulation.
  • Portosystemic shunts are abnormal vessels through which the portal blood  bypass the liver and enter the systemic circulation.
  • Two main types of shunts
    • Extrahepatic – shunts located outside the liver parenchyma
    • Intrahepatic – shunts located insided the liver parenchyma
  • Portocaval shunt: Shunt from portal vein to caudal vena cava
  • Diagnosis is from the signalment (usually purebred dogs are at increased risk), from history (failure to grow, small body stature or loss of body weight and varied signs), from physical examination findings (like microhepatica, prominent kidneys, neurological abnormalities)
  • Confirmation of diagnosis
    • Contrast Radiography
    • Ultrasonography and
    • Nuclear Imaging
  • Treatment: Surgical correction which aims at attenuation of the shunts.
Last modified: Tuesday, 8 March 2011, 2:16 PM