Castration in farm animals and horse


Castration in farm animals

  • Cattle, sheep and goats are usually castrated by the closed method using Burdizzo castrator. After controlling the animal in lateral recumbency with appropriate restraint by tying up the fore and hind legs together, the spermatic cord on one side is identified.
  • The spermatic cord is kept tensed against the scrotal skin and trapped within the jaws of the castrator. The arms of the castrator are approximated thereby crushing the spermatic cord.
  • The castrator is removed and the procedure is repeated on the other side taking care that the crush lines on the scrotal skin on either side do not meet to avoid sloughing of the scrotal skin distal to the crush lines.
  • The crushing of the spermatic cord may be repeated at two levels on each side if desired.

Castration in horses

  • Castration of horses is performed under general anaesthesia by the open-covered method. After restraning the animal on lateral recumbency and aseptic preparation of the scrotal and surrounding skin, a longitudinal incision is made on the scrotal skin over one testicle. The tunica vaginalis is incised and the testicle exteriorized.
  • The vascular and avascular bundles are doubly ligated using heavy catgut. The spermatic cord is crushed and transected distal to the ligation using an emasculator and the stump returned as high as possible in the external inguinal ring.
  • The tunica vaginalis is ligated as high as possible and transfixed and the part distal to the ligation transected and removed. Alternatively, the tunica vaginalis may be transected close to the level of the external inguinal ring and the edges apposed and sutured.
  • The scrotal sac and the ventral aspect of the inguinal canal may be packed with sterile gauze which can be kept in place for two days to stimulate inflammation and early closure of the inguinal canal to prevent chances of inguinal herniation.
  • The procedure is repeated on the other side to remove the remaining testicle. In addition to a post-operative course of antibiotic an appropriate dose of tetanus toxoid should also be administered.
Last modified: Monday, 25 October 2010, 8:15 AM