

  • Vasectomy inhibits male fertility but maintains behavioural pattern.


  • Make a 1 to 2 cm incision over the spermatic cord between the scrotum and inguinal ring.
  • Locate spermatic cord, incise vaginal tunic
  • Isolate the ductus deferens by blunt dissection
  • Double ligate ductus deferens and resect a 0.5cm section of ductus between ligatures.
  • Repeat the same on the contralateral spermatic cord.
  • Appose subcutis and skin.
  • Vasectomy – reduces hormone associated diseases.
  • But not roaming, aggression and urine marking.
  • Therefore it is not much recommended in canines
  • Androgens are continually produced within one week the animal becomes azoospermic following vas occlusion.
  • But spermatozoa may persist in ejaculation for 3 weeks(canines), 7 weeks in felines after vasectomy.


  • Granuloma, scrotal swelling, incisional problems.
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 5:52 AM