


  • Exploratory, foreign body reticulitis, severe impaction, atony of omasum or abomasums, diaphragmatic hernia, rumen fistulation.

Anaesthesia and control

  • Para vertebral or local infiltration analgesia.


  • Left flank in the para lumbar fossa. A vertical incision of 6-8 inches long.

Surgical technique

  • Rumenotomy is performed through a left para lumbar incision in standing animal.
  • The abdominal muscles and parietal peritoneum are tranversed by a direct incision corresponding to the skin incision.
  • Following systematic exploration of the peritoneal cavity it is necessary to anchor the rumen to the incision to avoid contamination of the abdominal musculature and peritoneum during the rumenotomy procedure.
  • For fixing the rumen following methods can be followed:
    • Continuous inversion suture pattern
    • Stay sutures
    • McIntock’s rubber rumenotomy cuff
    • Weingarth’s frame method
  • Short incision is made on the rumen and extended enough to permit easy access by hand into the rumen and reticulum.
  • The rumen contents are evacuated without contaminating the peritoneal cavity by proper packing.
  • The reticulum can also be examined by stretching the hand through the large rumenoreticular orifice and the oesophageal groove.
  • The row of continuous inversion sutures either connel’s or cushing by using No. 2 or No.3 chromic catgut.
  • A second layer of sutures may be placed with lembert continuous suture and muscle layers are closed with mattress followed by continuous sutures.
  • The skin incision is closed by vertical mattress or simple opposition sutures.
Last modified: Friday, 17 June 2011, 8:21 AM