Surgical technique


    • Dog: Midline abdominal incision, extending from umbilicus to a point midway between umbilicus and brim of pubis.
    • Cat: 1 cm caudal to umbilicus and extends approximately 3-5 cm caudally
  • Ventral midline incision is made on the skin, continued through the linea alba and peritoneum.
  • Left uterine horn is easy to reach, as it is located more caudally than the right.
  • Left uterus horn is located with ovariohysterectomy hook or index finger.
  • Traction of the uterine horn exposes the ovary and ovarian pedicle.
  • Suspensory ligament is stretched or broken with index finger.
  • The ovarian arteriovenous complex is clamped with two or three haemostatic forceps as per the surgeon’s preference.
  • The surgeon should maintain constant digital contact with the ovary when applying the first clamp to ensure the entire ovary is removed.
  • A third clamp is placed on the proper ligament between the ovary and the uterine horn.
  • Absorbable suture (e.g. chromic catgut or PGA) is preferred for all ligatures.
  • A circumferential suture is tightened so that it lies in the groove of the crushed tissue created by the clamp.
  • A transfixation suture is placed between the circumferential suture and the cut end of the pedicle.
  • Pedicle is grasped with thumb forceps, the final clamp is released and the pedicle is inspected for bleeding.
  • If no bleeding occurs, the pedicle is replaced in the abdomen.
  • The right uterine horn is isolated following the left uterine horn distally to the bifurcation.
  • The ligation procedure is repeated on the right ovarian pedicle.
  • Large vessels in the broad ligament are ligated when broad ligament is grasped and torn.
  • Uterine body is exteriorized and the cervix is located.
  • Three clamps are placed in the uterine body proximal to cervix.
  • Circumferential suture is placed around the distal clamp, the clamp is removed and the suture is tightened in the groove of the crushed tissue.
  • A transfixation suture is placed between the circumferential suture and the remaining clamp which is removed after severing the uterine body.
  • Abdominal incision is closed either in a simple interrupted suture pattern with absorbable suture material or in simple continuous pattern with non absorbable suture.
  • Subcutaneous tissue and skin are closed routinely with subcuticular sutures and interrupted sutures respectively.
Last modified: Tuesday, 26 October 2010, 12:25 PM