


  • One of the testicles is displaced cranially by pushing it forward . It is positioned ventral to the penis immediately cranial to scrotum along the median raphae and held with sufficient pressure to cause the testicles to bulge.
  • A midline incision is made over the testicle with sharp dissection through subcutaneous tissue. Continue the incision over the tunica vaginalis to exteriorize the testicle.
  • Identify the avascular parts viz; vas deferens ,cremaster muscles and separate its from the vascular part viz; spermatic artery and vein
  • With 2-0 or 3-0 absorbable suture (e.g PGA ) the vascular part is ligated as close to stump as possible and transfixed.
  • Two hemostats  are applied above the ligature and the vascular part of the spermatic cord is severed  between the two hemostats.
  • Inspect the cord for haemorrhage and replace it back .
  • Same procedure is  followed for the other testicle.
  • Appose the subcutaneous tissue with continuous pattern followed by skin in simple interrupted suture pattern.
Last modified: Friday, 17 June 2011, 6:32 AM