Amputation of tail (Docking)



  • For fancy purpose, docking is done in puppies.
  • Irreparable injury
  • Malignant disease


  • Before 15 th day after birth – without anaesthesia
  • After 30 days – with general anaesthesia
  • For large animal – epidural; standing or recumbent position


Adult small animals and cattle

  • Terriers ------------------ 2/3 length is retained
  • Spaniels------------------1/3 length only is retained
  • Poodles------------------- ½ length is retained
  • Boxer--------------------- leave 2 coccygeal vertebrae
  • Doberman---------------- at second joint
  • English sheep dog------- remove completely or leave not more than 2 inches in adult
  • English toy spaniel------ cut to 11/2 inches
  •  “ V” shaped skin incisions are made on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the tail
  • Cut through the intervertebral space
  • By a tourniquet, haemorrhage is controlled.
  • The skin flaps are sutured by a series of simple interrupted or mattress sutures.


  • Disarticulation is effected through the intervertebral cartilage, by cutting through with a scalpel.
  • After getting enough loose skin, one or two sutures may be done for apposition of skin edges.
Last modified: Sunday, 12 June 2011, 4:09 PM