Ceasarean section-dog



  •  Actual or potential dystocia 
  •  Fetal putrifaction
  •  Elective c- section indicated in brachycephalic breeds and other animals with history of dystocia or those with pelvic fracture malunion.

Pre-operative management

  • Correct fluid and electrolyte imbalance
  • Prophylactic antibiotics if fetal death or uterine infection is suspected
  • If prepartum eclampsia , lead to hypocalcemia, it should be corrected.


  • Glycopyrrolate - 0.005-0.011 mg/kg s/c or im for premedication
  • Induction propofol - (4-6 mg/kg) i/v
  • Maintenance - isoflurane or sevoflurane


  • Position the animal in dorsal recumbency, after aseptic preparation of the ventral abdomen
  • Apply a  scrub
  • Make a ventral midline incision from just cranial to umbilicus to near the pubis
  • Elevate the external rectus sheath before making a stab incision through the linea alba to prevent inadvertent laceration of the uterus.
  • Exteriorize the gravid uterine horns by gently lifting rather than pulling out of the abdomen 
  • Isolate the uterus from the remainder of the abdomen with sterile towels
  • Extend the incision with metzenbaum scissors
  • Empty each horn by gently squeezing cranial to each fetus to move it toward the incision
  • Then grasp and pull  it from the uterus
  • Rupture the amniotic sac and clamp umbilical cord
  • Avoid contaminating the abdomen and surgical field with amniotic fluids
  • If the placenta has not separated gently pull it from the endometrium
  • Do not forcibly separate the placenta from the uterine wall
  • Palpate the pelvic canal and remove any fetus from this location
  • Close the uterine incision with 3-0 or 4-0 absorbable sutures using an appositional pattern in a single or double layer appositional closure
  • Lavage the surgical site
  • Inspect for uterine vessel avulsion and control haemorrhage
  • Cover the uterine incision with omentum. Appose the abdominal wall in three layers and suture the skin.
Last modified: Saturday, 2 July 2011, 6:31 AM