Functions, sources and requirements of Fats

Functions of fats

    • It is a concentrated source of energy, yielding more than twice the energy supplied by carbohydrates per unit weight.
    • Fats are essential for the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K and especially carotenoids (Pro vit A) present in foods of vegetable origin.
    Some animal fats
    eg:- fish liver oil, butter and ghee contain vitamin A and many vegetable fats contain vitamin E and red palm oil is a good source of carotene (pro vit A)
    • Fats contain essential fatty acids like linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids which are essential for maintaining tissues in normal health.
    • Fats help to reduce the bulk of diet as starchy foods absorb lot of water during cooking.
    • Fats improve the palatability of the diet and gives satiety value in a feeling of fullness in the starch
    • Fats are essential for the utilization of galactose, present in lactose.
    • Phosphatides and other complex lipids are essential constituents of nervous tissue.
    • Fats are deposited in the adipose tissue and this deposit serves as the source of energy during starvation. Further, adipose tissue functions like an insulating material against cold and physical injury.

    Visible fats - oils, butter, margarine and ghee
    Invisible fats - meat, poultry, eggs, fish, whole milk cream, cheese and baked products
    Requirements - RDA
    Children g/day
    1-3 years - 27
    4-6 years - 25
    7-9 years - 30

    10-12 years - 35
    13-15 years - 45
    16-18 years - 50

    10-12 years - 35
    13-15 years - 40
    16-18 years - 35

    Adult man
    Sedentary work - 25
    Moderate work -30
    Heavy work -40

    Adult woman
    Sedentary work - 20
    Moderate work -25
    Heavy work -30
    Pregnant woman - 30
    Lactation - 30

Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 5:42 AM