No other mineral takes part in a number of functions as phosphorus in different parts of our body. An adult human body contains about 400-700 mg of phosphorus. About eighty per cent of the body’s phosphorus is deposited in the bones and teeth as calcium phosphate. The remaining portion is located as sodium phosphate and potassium phosphate in the body fluids and in cells. Phosphorus is also present in many enzymes and co-enzymes. Thus it takes part in metabolism.


    Phosphorus takes an important role in the calcification of bones
    It also plays an essential part in carbohydrate metabolism in phosphorylation of glycogen
    Phosphorus is an essential constituent of co-enzyme and co-carboxylase enzyme system in the oxidation of carbohydrate, proteins and fat metabolism.
    Phosphorus compounds control the storage and release of energy through ATP, ADP system
    Phosphorus is present in the nucleoproteins and phosphoproteins which are integral parts of the cells..
    Inorganic phosphates in the body fluids act as a buffer system in the body

    Retarded growth, poor teeth and bone formation, rickets and anorexia.


    Good source : Milk and milk products and cereals and legumes
    Excellent source : Meat, fish, poultry and eggs


    Phosphorus requirements depend on the availability of calcium present in the diets. It depends upon the calcium: phosphorus ratio. The optimal calcium phosphorus ratio for infants and children is 1:1 and or adults 2:1.

    Group Phosphorus
    Adult Men 600
    Women 600
    Pregnancy 1200
    Post menopausal women 600-800
    Infants 750
    Children 1 – 3y 600
    4- 6 y 600
    7- 9 y 600
    10-12 y Boys 800
    Girls 800
    13-15 y Boys 800
    Girls 800
    16–18 y Boys 800
    Girls 800

Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 5:44 AM