    1. Choline is a component of phospholipid lecithin and it forms acetyl choline with alcohol and takes part in biochemical reactions
    2. It promotes growth in animals
    3. In its absence neutral fats and cholesterol esters accumulate in the liver producing fatty liver.
    4. Choline is otherwise known as a lipotropic factor as it prevents fatty liver.
    5. Choline enhances the oxidation of fatty acids and promotes the formation of lipoproteins in the liver.
    6. Phospholipids take part in the transport of fatty acids and cholesterol in the blood and from the liver; their deposition and removal in adipose tissues.
    7. It is essential for the transfer of nerve impulse.
    8. It takes part in the formation of methionine from homocystine

    Good sources: Egg yolk, wheat germ, organ meats like kidney, brain, heart, meat, yeast,soyabean and peanut and skimmed milk.

    Choline requirements of human beings are not known and its deficiency is also uncommon.

Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 7:02 AM