It is soluble in water and it contains the amino acid alanine. It is stable to heat but prolonged exposure to dry heat destroys it. It is also destroyed by acid and alkali

    • Pantothenic acid forms a complex compound co-enzyme A (CoA) and acyl carrier protein and thus it takes part in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats
    • It is also necessary for the formation of acetyl choline, which is a precursor of heme which in turn is essential for haemoglobin synthesis.
    • CoA is also essential for the synthesis of cholesterol and sterols.
    • In our body pantothenic acid is present in the liver, adrenal glands, kidneys, brain and heart.

    • Deficiency of pantothenic acid is rare. Experimental production of its deficiency showed loss of appetite, fatigue, weakness, headache, insomnia, nausea, emotional instability, dizziness, impaired motor coordination, muscle cramps, burning sensations in the feet and changes in the heart beat rate and in blood pressure.
    • Burning feet syndrome is associated with neurological and mental disturbances and it is cured only by pantothenic acid.

    • Rich sources: Dried yeast, liver, rice polishing and wheat germs
    • Fair sources: Whole cereals, legumes, nuts, fleshy foods, eggs and fish

    • Recommended by the FAO / WHO expert committee
    • Adult - 10 mg per day
    • Adolescents - 8-10 mg per day
    • Children - 5-8 mg per day
    • Infants - 1.5-2.5 mg per day
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 5:44 AM