Pharmaceutical industry


  • The pharmaceuticals industry is one of the most important industries for modern civilization. The life of millions animals and human depends on the life saving medicine manufactured by this industries. These medicines are metabolized in the body, a part is utilized and the rest is excreted as it is or along with metabolic products. These medicines entire in the environment and cause severe problems.
  • The toxicity of this compounds is generally very high has they have the capacity to interfere the biological systems including changes at biochemical levels. Apart from this the pollutants are also generated during the manufacturing process of medicines. Thus the pharmaceuticals industry has becomes one of the major causes of concern.
  • The pollutant generated during the manufacturing process are easier to tackle as an industry is point source of pollution and it is possible to install pollutant specific treatment facilities. However the pollution caused by the usage of medicine is very difficult to control because of its disbursed nature.
  • There are many studies which have confirmed the presence of pharmaceutically active compounds in surface ground and drinking water. Though the concentration of this is usually in PPM or lower, the toxic effects of this compounds are well known. The sewage treatment plants are not efficient enough to degrade all the products. At the same time it is not possible to stop the use of medicines as, the adverse effect has not using the medicine on society outweigh way the potential adverb effects of the presence of such compounds in the environment. Thus one of the most effective way of dealings with this problem is the use of source separation management practices.
  • Source separation of urine and hospital effluent from the normal waste water will reduce the amount of toxic effluent to a great extent. Also it will be possible to install more efficient, specially designed and costly treatment technologies for the treatment of toxic compound thereby reducing the risk of environmental contamination.
Last modified: Wednesday, 17 August 2011, 5:59 AM