Inability to protrude the penis


A congenital anomaly in the development of penis and prepuce with or without hypospasdias.

  • Observed in all species but is seen most commonly in Boston Terriers breed of dog.

Congenitally short penis

  • Occurs in bulls, bucks, boars and horses.
  • It may be hereditary
  • Retractor penis muscle is normal in the bulls.

Bulls with a short penis the sigmoid flexure does not form a sharp S-curve in the resting state


A Congenital Short retractor penis muscle

  • Described as a recessive character in Friesians
  • Myectomy of this paired muscle under epidural or local anesthesia at the midway between the anus and the base of the scrotum resulted in improvement.
  • Affected animals are culled due to hereditary reason.

Psychic Impotency Caused by

  • Injury or lesions of the lumbar or scrotal region
  • Phimosis
  • Stenosis of the preputial orifice
  • If a bull is unable to protrude his penis, normally, a careful physical examination of the penis and prepuce should be made.
  • Use of tranquilizers, pudendal nerve blocks or electro ejaculator may be helpful in arriving an accurate diagnosis.

Bulls with short penis should be slaughtered and not used for breeding purposes because of the possible hereditary nature of the defect

Last modified: Tuesday, 12 June 2012, 4:32 AM