Tumors of the Penis and Prepuce
Spontaneous recovery from infectious fibropapillomas occurs within 4 Months
If the tumors are multiple on the penis- treatment is difficult.
Wart vaccine can be tried. But it has questionable value in affected bulls.
Semen from affected bulls not to be used because of the danger of transmitting the virus to cows.
Surgical removal under pudendal nerve block.
The occasional squamous cell carcinoma can be removed by a liberal incision or if necessary by amputation of the penis
The transmissible venereal tumor(TVT) is the most common tumor on the penis and prepuce
TVT- spread by coitus
Licking of the vulva or preputial discharge rarely transmits the disease
Intact cells must be transplanted to transmit the tumor
Incubation period 5-6 weeks
All breeds of dogs are susceptible
It is characterized by a discharge of bloody, fetid exudates from the prepuce of the male.
When penis is exposed, grayish-red nodular growths are observed on the penis and prepuce
The tumor masses are friable and bleed when handled.
In advanced cases the tumor may also be observed involving the inguinal lymph gland
The tumor ulcerates easily
The transmissible venereal tumor has been reported widespread throughout the world but most commonly in tropical countries.
Papillomas, squamous cell carcinomas, sarcomas and other tumors may occur in sheath or on the penis of dogs.
In the dog surgery may be indicated. The earlier surgery is undertaken, the better the success of operation.
In severe cases where it is difficult or impossible to remove all of the involved tissue, radiation therapy may be indicated.
Medically treated with Vincristine at the dose rate of 0.025 mg per kg b.w. slow i/v diluted in saline or distilled water and repeated at 7 days interval until complete regression.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 9:32 AM