Signs of testicular degeneration
They are similar in all species of animals and range in degree from mild to severe depending upon the cause and duration of the degeneration.
The fertility
In the male with testicular degeneration may vary from slightly reduced conception rates to moderate to severe infertility to complete sterility.
The size of the testes
The consistency of the testes
In mild testicular degeneration consistency differs only slightly from an elastic, tonic, slightly tense, fluctuating normal consistency.
The tonometer is useful for the objective measurement of testicular consistency.
- The tonometer test correlated closely with other tests of semen quality.
Bulls with soft testes tended to produce fewer sperm cells.
Acute orchitis is characterized by a tense swelling and enlargement of the testis accompanied by pain and heat. This should be differentiated from hydrocele or hemaotcele.
Chronic degeneration and atrophy of the testes especially in older males is characterized by fibrosis of the testes often with calcification. Fibrotic testes are hard, firm and often lack tonicity or elasticity.
Ultrasonics can be of value in the detection of connective tissue in fibrosis of the testes.
Testes containing tumors may be enlarged and have an irregular shape and consistency on palpation.
The libido or sex drive
The semen picture
Points to be cosidered
Since it requires about 60 days or more for sperm cells to develop from spermatogonia until they are ejaculated, it may be desirable in diagnosing testicular degeneration to take several samples at weekly or greater intervals.
Sperm cell concentration
Sperm cell motility
It is reduced one-third to one-half or more due to an increase in abnormal cells, dead cells, necrospermia, or poorly viable cells.
The duration of motility after ejaculation is shortened.
Sperm cell morphology
The appearance of primitive cells such as giant cells and spermatocytes with restitution or pyknotic nuclei together with a marked reduction in sperm cell concentration and motility are signs of severe degeneration of the testes.
- Testicular biopsies may be of value in certain species such as the dog and horse but are impractical for technical reasons in the bull.
Furthermore the above signs and additional tests of sequential semen samples will accurately reveal the relative degree of testicular degeneration.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 9:45 AM