Minimizes the number of sires to be maintained.
Careful and scientific selection of bulls improves the breeding efficiency.
Since the transmitting ability of the bulls can be determined quickly and efficiently, more sires can be evaluated in shorter period, thus helpful in progeny testing.
Minimizes the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases such as Brucellosis, Leptospirosis, Trichomoniasis, Tuberculosis, Listeriosis, Vibriosis and Johne’s disease.
Increases sire’s life and thereby provides insurance against death of the individual.
Eliminates danger and exposure of keeping inferior bulls.
Provides better identification of animals for improved record keeping and thereby helpful in selection, disease control and breeding efficiency in the herd.
Reduces injury and possible mating of unequal sized animals.
Complete utilization of semen without any wastage due to ageing.
Reduces sire cost in well established farms.
Transport of semen to longer distances without being hindered by geographical boundaries.
Semen from superior quality bulls which for some reasons unable to copulate can be collected and used.
The changes in the reproductive tract of female can be examined and timely treatment is possible.
Semen can be stored indefinitely in liquid nitrogen without loosing its fertilizing potential.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 9:54 AM