Management at queening


  • A quiet place that is free from draft and cool place is suitable for queening.
  • The pregnant cat should be introduced to this area 1 week prior to expected date of queening.
  • This allows her to become adjusted to the area and have her scent deposited throughout the queening area before the kittens are born.
  • Queening boxes may also be provided, it should provide easy access to the mother while preventing young kittens from escaping.
  • The box should also be large enough for the mother to stretch out in full length on her side and have room to spare.
  • A box that measured 1 to 2 times the length of the queen is ideal.
  • Old towels, mattress pads or cloth diapers can be provided as bedding material.

Kittening box

Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 10:42 AM