Care of newborn kitten


  Newborn kitten   young kitten   Newborn kitten 

  • Mother provides most of the care of newborn kitten. At birth the kittens are relatively immature.
  • Their eyelids are not yet opened and cannot see. Their ears are also not yet functioning.
  • When picked up, healthy newborn kitten should have good muscle tone, feel firm and plump and wiggle vigorously when handled.
  • Healthy kittens are also quiet most of the time, crying only when they are hungry or cold.
  • Excessive or prolonged crying is the first sign of a problem.
  • They spend most of the time in sleeping and when they are awake, nursing.
  • Healthy kitten should show normal weight gain.
  • They should gain equivalent of their birth weight each week for the first 2 or 3 weeks.
  • After 12 weeks of age; male kitten grow faster than female.
  • First week they spend 4 hours or more per day for suckling, divided into short period.
  • It gradually decreased to 3 hours and 2 hours in subsequent weeks.
  • The mother cat gives a characteristic ‘murmur’ cry to initiate suckling and she adopts a body posture that makes the nipple easily accessible.
  • Both the mother and the kitten usually purr continuously while nursing, and the kitten show treading movement (kneading) when their paws held against the mother’s abdomen, it facilitates milk ejection.

Newborn kitten   Foster kitten   young kittens 

Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 10:42 AM