Training schedule


  • The training syllabus of dog should start from organizing natural urges like hunger, urination, defaecation, rest and housing.
  • This should be followed by training for guarding, house breaking, search and seizure, etc.
  • The training should be divided into several lessons and different courses may be followed for the training of dogs for specialized purposes.
  • Practice to call name by natural urges: Natural urges include hunger, thirst, urination and defaecation.
    • The dog should be given a single name on arrival in the house.
    • The place for feeding and watering should normally be fixed.
    • Fix places for urination and defaecation; the dog should not be allowed to urinate or defaecate at any other place in the house or yard.
    • Dogs normally defaecate immediately after awaking and eating or drinking.
    • Practice to come back when called.

Dog training

Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 10:17 AM