

  • Calcium deficiency in dogs is characterized by a disease called rickets in normal dogs, and a syndrome known as milk fever in pregnant or lactating dogs.
  • Calcium intake is tied directly to the calcium:phosphorus ratio in the body. 
  • An overabundance of either can cause calcium-associated problems. Feeding a well-balanced dog food and closely monitoring pregnant animals are the best ways to minimize calcium deficiency.
  • Calcium deficiency is generally seen in animals which eat a meat diet, which is high in phosphorus and low in calcium.
  • Animals eating such an imbalanced diet develop rickets, which is a calcium deficiency producing soft, brittle bones. Likewise, feeding a diet high in calcium and low in phosphorus may lead to problems metabolizing the calcium. It will cause bone deformities and hip dysplasia.

Calcium: Phosphorus Ratio

  • The ideal ratio of calcium to phosphorus is 1.5:1. The normal serum calcium level in the bloodstream is 9 to 11 mg/dl.
  • Problems arise when the serum calcium levels fall or the ratio of calcium to phosphorus changes.
  • A veterinarian visit and a blood test are required to determine calcium deficiency


  • The easiest way to prevent calcium deficiency in dogs is to feed them a well balanced diet.
  • Feeding too much meat is the most common cause of calcium deficiency.
  • Commercial dog food is formulated to give the dog everything it needs. You should only give calcium supplements on the advice of your vet, as an overabundance of calcium causes problems as well.
  • Closely monitor pregnant and lactating dogs for symptoms of milk fever, and visit the vet if symptoms occur
Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 10:30 AM