Mineral deficiencies


  • The only two minerals of great consequenceto dogs are calcium and iron, but nevertheless the absence of others causes dire consequences. Iodine isessential.
  • Its lack causes goiter in dog, and when pregnant femalesare iodine-starved they may produce abnormal young called cretins.
  • Common salt is also essential. Since 99 percent of the calcium in thebody is found in the skeleton, obviously a calcium deficiency results inpoor skeletal development, as in the case of rickets. But calciumdoes more than develop bone.
  • It is necessary to proper nerve functionand acts almost like some vitamins as a catalyst or "marrying agent"between other minerals. Bad teeth may be traced to a fluorine defi-ciency.
  • Cobalt and boron, though needed in minute quantities, pro-duce sickness through their absence. Potassium deficiency causes paralysis, and so forth.
Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 11:11 AM