Carrying a cat


  • The pet you are carrying to another part of the hospital may appear very content being carried like a human infant but as soon as the cat gets excited when a dog barks, you will loose your grip and the animal will leap from your arms.
  • The animal should be carried gently with minimal restraint but you should carry the animal in a position that allows you to increase the amount of restraint instantaneously.
  • Prefer this method in which the animal's rear quarters are cradled in the handler's arm and the front legs are loosely griped with the same hand.
  • The other hand is free to pet and stroke the cat's head but can also quickly grab the zygomatic arches to control the head if the animal attempts to escape.
  • Cat's will try to hide when frightened. You can carry a cat with one hand under the hind quarters and the other holding the scruff of the neck, letting the cat hide it's head.
Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 9:23 AM