Gene Pool and its Type

Gene Pool and its Type

    Gene Pool
  • Gene pool consists of all the genes and their alleles present in all individuals which can hybridize with each other.
    Types of gene pool
    Primary gene pool (GP1)
  • The gene pool in which intermating (crossing) is easy and leads to production of fertile hybrids is known as primary gene pool.
  • It includes plants of the same species or of closely related species which produce completely fertile offspring on intermating.
    Secondary gene pool (GP2)
  • The genetic material that leads to partial fertility on crossing with GPI is referred to as secondary gene pool.
  • Transfer of gene from such material to primary gene pool is possible but difficult.
    Tertiary gene pool (GP3)
  • The genetic material which leads to production of sterile hybrids on crossing with primary gene pool is termed as tertiary gene pool. It includes material which can be crossed with GP1, but the hybrids are sterile.
  • Transfer of genes from such material to primary gene pool is possible with the help of special techniques.
Last modified: Monday, 12 March 2012, 4:40 AM