

Breed : ----------------

Date of birth / Age : ---------------

Size : ---------------

colour: -------------

Owners name and address : ------------

Breeding history

  •  Age at which first estrus appeared 
  •  Estrus cycle : Length of estrus cycle /regularity of estrus cycle 
  •  Intensity of estrum : Weak /Normal /Pronounced 
  •  Duration of estrum – short / prolonged 
  •  Service particulars : Date of last breeding 
  •  Age of first calving 
  •  Total No. of calving 
  •  Date of last calving 
  •  Post partum heat 
  •  Inter calving period 
  •  Service period 
  •  Average No.of services per conception 
  •  History of pre, peri and  post partum complications 
  •  Mal formation in pregnancy/ abortion 
  •  History regarding herd or individual health history. 
  •  Outbreaks of diseases – Brucellosis,leptospiroses, Trichomoniasis IBRT/IPV etc. 
  • Management practices -Procurement of replacement stock / Sudden change of breeding bulls /Feeding practices
Last modified: Saturday, 12 November 2011, 11:39 AM