Gloves, Gunny bags and baskets
Gloves with various thickness measurements are used for an efficient control of wild animals especially the small sized mammals and the multiple aviary species. /font>
However, when restraining the different sized birds by using gloves, one has to take more care in avoiding exertion of maximum pressure in the name of control of the birds. This may cause problem like suffocation in the concerned tiny sized aviary species.
Longer gloves may be used to give more protection to the arm and wrist. However, one has to be cautious that if the gloves used are more thicker, then this may interfere with the touch-reflex.
Gunny bags are useful to control the non-human primates of smaller size like bonnet macaques and the loris. The ropes need to be ready always whenever the attempts are made to control the non-human primates or any other smaller sized animal./font>
The baskets are of more useful to control the chelonians and the wire baskets are better ones to have restraining activities for selected aviary species. /font>
Last modified: Monday, 27 September 2010, 5:09 AM