Handling of Non-human Primates


  • For rough individuals or for the adult non-human primates, the animals may be handled only after the chemical immobilization procedures.
  • For infant ones, with care a towel may be wrapped around it and the arms may be held back. More care is to be taken to avoid the biting from the non-human primates.
  • Rhesus macaques or langurs may cause severe injuries if one is careless in handling of these species.
  • Gloves may be used in case of smaller non-humanprimates during the handling procedures. But, the gloves reduce the sensationsof feelings over the animal and further, it is true that the gloves used duringthe handling procedures may not be able to prevent the biting activities of thenon-human primate.
Last modified: Monday, 27 September 2010, 6:08 AM