Stressors in Wild Animals


The Stressors may be classified into following types

  • Somatic Stressors
    • Changes in theposition of body, unexpected touch reflexes, unusual sightings, extremes ofclimate like severe hotness or severe coldness, pressure applications on thebody regions and running impacts onwhole body as happens during the chasing activities in the concerned wildanimal species can be had as examples.
  • Psychological stressors
    • Strangesituations, changes in the routine activities happening in or near theenclosures, fear senses, placement of the wild animal in the unaccustomed placeor habitat can be had as examples.
  • Behavioural stressors
    • Over crowding,social deprivation, hierarchical upsets, lack of imprinting personnel oranimal, lack of parents, lack of habitual food materials, unfamiliarenvironmental conditions etc. form the associated factors of behaviouralstressors.
  • Other types of stressors
    • Poor bodyconditions like obesity, emaciation, hypoglycemia, pulmonary problems leadingto the derangement in the respiratory functions, imbalanced nutrition,parasitic diseases, burns, types of immobilizations adapted for the concernedwild animal species etc. form the factors in this group.
Last modified: Monday, 27 September 2010, 5:57 AM