Pasteurellosis is a bacterial infection that is commonly encountered in case of multiple species of wild animals.
Pasteurella multocida is the commonly encountered etiological agent in this and however, the pasteurellosis in marsupial like species may also have affections by Pasteurella haemolytica organisms.
Avian cholera caused by pasteurella organisms is found commonly around the monsoon period in the captive semi-aquatic and aquatic aviary species. The incidence of pasteurellosis is a world wide one.
Species affected
Mode of spread and significance
In elephants, the symptoms may be similar to those of anthrax. The death occurs within 12 hours in case of acute cases.
The clinical symptoms are often related to the pleuropneumonia, dyspnoea, gastroenteritis in addition to the pyrexia, anorexia and depression.
Diagnosis and theraphy
By PCR, examination of the heart blood-smear, biological test and culture from oral or nasal mucus and some times from feces help the diagnosis, in addition to the ELISA based tests etc.
Post mortem reveals splenomegaly, petechial haemorrhage on lungs, epicardium, kidneys etc. Respiratory tract (upper regions)infections including tracheitis and red hepatization of the lungs are the common findings. are common and if aves are affected, it may be having necrotic foci on liver along with the petechial hemorrhage on epicardium and lungs.
Tetracyclines, sulphonamides and fluoroquinolone compounds may assist the treatment of this condition in a successful manner.
Last modified: Friday, 27 April 2012, 9:26 AM