Functions and deficiency symptoms of Magnesium

Magnesium (Mg)

  • Mg is a constituent of the chlorophyll molecule and located at its centre, without which photosynthesis by plants would not occur. It is a mobile element and plant absorb as Mg2+ ionic form.


      • Very much essential for photosynthesis.
      • It is involved in the regulation of cellular pH, cation-anion balance and turgur regulation of cells.
      • Necessary for protein synthesis.
      • Activator of enzymes in carbohydrate and ATP metabolism.
      • Essential for the formation of oils and fats
      • It is required for stabilization of cell membranes.


      ¥ Interveinal chlorosis of lower leaves and in extreme cases becomes necrotic.
      ¥ Leaves remain in small and brittle even in final stages.
      ¥ Twigs may become weak and premature dropping of leaves results in heavy loss of fruit crops.
      ¥ Inhibits nitrate reduction and the production of photo hormones.
      ¥ Stalk necrosis or stem ‘Die back’ in a Vine plant.
      Excess of Mg absorption becomes poisonous leads to browning of roots as a result growth is ceased and death of roots and leaves. It can be counteracted by CO2 antagonistic action.
Last modified: Friday, 2 December 2011, 7:30 AM