Estimation of body weight


  • Arrive at the approximate body weight of the elephant or the correct body weight of the elephant from the health-record available with authorities.
  • You should know the normal body weight of the adult and young Asiatic elephant.


Body weight

Male Asiatic elephant (bull elephant)

3700-4500 kg

Female Asiatic elephant (cow elephant)

2300-3700 kg

African male elephant

4100-5000 kg

African female elephant

2300-4000 kg

Formula to estimate body weight of elephant

Body weight of the elephant may be undertaken by using a formula as follows:

Weight in Kg = -1010 + 0.036 (L x G)


L= length from base of forehead (mid-point of supra-occipital crest) to the base of the tail in centimeters

G= chest girth in centimeters

Last modified: Friday, 27 April 2012, 12:25 PM