Apple is propagated by asexual method of grafting and budding on rootstocks. Rootstocks:
(1) Seedling rootstocks
- Seedling rootstocks are vigorous and not uniform in size.
- Seeds of crab apple (Malus baccata) or self pollinizing varieties like Golden Delicious and Granny Smith are used for raising seedling rootstocks.
(2) Clonal rootstocks
- Clonal rootstocks are precocious, uniform and resistant to some insect pests and diseases.
- In recent years size controlling clonal rootstocks are gaining popularity especially for establishment of high density.
- The promising clonal rootstocks of apple are:
- M9 or EMLA9 and M26 or EMLA26 (Dwarf)
- M7 or EMLA7, MM106 or EMLA106 ( Semi dwarf)
- MM111 or EMLA111 (Semi vigorous)
- Merton 793 ( vigorous)
- Malling series( M) rootstocks are size controlling but not resistant to woolly apple aphid.
- Malling Merton series (MM) are size controlling and resistant to woolly apple aphid.
- EMLA series rootstocks are virus free.
PropagationPropagation of rootstocks
(a)Seedling rootstock
- Seeds of apple are dormant, which require stratification treatment (moist chilling) to break dormancy.
- Seeds are stratified for 60-70 days in alternate layers of moist sand at 4-6 oC during December to February.
- The stratified seeds are sown in nursery beds during March at a spacing of 8-10 cm from seed to seed and 15-20 cm from line to line.
- After sowing, the nursery beds are mulched with 10 cm thick dry grass and light irrigation is given to avoid desiccation of stratified seeds.
- Mulch is removed as soon as seed start germinating.
- Cultural operations like weeding, hoeing, irrigation and spray of insecticide and fungicides are done at regular intervals.
- The seedling rootstock attain graftable size of 15 mm diameter in a year.
(b)Clonal rootstock
- The clonal rootstocks are commercially propagated through mound layering or trench layering (Fig 1 and 2)
Propagation of scion
- The commercial method of propagation of apple scion varieties is grafting and chip budding.
- For grafting and budding the scion wood should be collected from healthy, disease free, true to type mother trees during January.
- The scion wood is collected from one year old shoots and packed in moist sphagnum moss, after proper labeling of variety.
- These bundles of scion wood are stored in cold storage or buried deep in the soil at shady place till required for grafting .
- The best time of grafting of apple is February to March with tongue and cleft methods.
- Chip budding can also be done in March and July.
- The best time of planting of apple is January - February.
- The planting distance varies according to variety, rootstock and fertility status of soil.
- Before planting, orchard layout should be planned. In flat land square or hexagonal system of layout is adopted, whereas in sloppy land contour and terrace system of layout is done.
- After layout of an orchard, the pits of 1x1x1 m size are dug well in advance of planting.
- The pits are filled atleast one month before planting with soil in which 40-50 kg well rotten FYM and 1 kg single super phosphate are mixed.
- After planting, watering is done and tree basins are mulched with 10 cm thick dry grass, which helps in conserving the soil moisture and control the weed population.
- In apple, most of the varieties are self unfruitful, therefore, at the time of planting proper proportion of pollinizer varieties (25 or 33%) should be planted in the orchard.
Table 3 Spacing and planting density for different scion stock combinations
Fruit crop
Tree size
Spacing (m)
Density (trees/ha)
7.5 x 7.5
MM111 and Merton 793
Semi vigorous
6.0 x 6.0
MM106, M7
Semi dwarf
4.5 x 4.5
M9 and M26
1.5 x 1.5
Spur type
Semi vigorous
5.0 x 5.0
Spur type
MM111, Merton 793
Semi dwarf
3.5 x 3.5
Spur type
MM106, M7
3.0 x 3.0
Last modified: Wednesday, 4 April 2012, 12:37 PM