Taxonomic classification of apple
Order = Rosales Family = Rosaceae Sub-family = Pomoideae Genus = Malus Species = domestica Basic chromosome = 17 Somatic no”s = 34, 51, 68
- The apple ( Malus x domestica Borkh.) is an important temperate fruit and is grown in areas where winter are cold, springs are frost free, summer are mild.
- The genus Malus has 25 species.
- The primary center of origin of apple is thought to be the region which includes the South Western Asia , the Caucasus, Soviet Central Asia and Hindu-Kush Himalayan region.
- In India, apple was introduced by Captain Lee in 1865 in Kullu Valley of Himachal Pradesh.
- Later on , red coloured Delicious group varieties were introduced at Kotgarh in Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh in 1917 by American missionary Mr Satya Nand Stokes.
- Apple fruit is rich in carbohydrate (15 %) protein (0.3 % ) and nutrients like in K, P and Ca.
- In India, Apple is grown on commercial scale in Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand .
- It is also cultivated on limited scale in North-Eastern states like Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Nagaland, Meghalaya and Manipur and Nilgiri hills of Tamil Naidu.
- In India, apple occupies an area of 2,82,940 hectares with a total production of 17,77,230 MT (NHB,2009-10).
Table 1 :Area and production of apple in India
Area (000hectares)
Production (000 MT)
Jammu and Kashmir
Himachal Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Source : (NHB, Data base 2009-10).Climate and Soil
- The apple is a typical temperate fruit and is generally grown in the temperate regions of the world.
- Northern aspect is considered most suitable for its cultivation.
- Most of apple varieties require 1000-1600 chilling hours during winter to break the rest period, however some low chill varieties require only 500-800 chilling hours.
- The average summer temperature should be around 21-240C during active growth period.
- Low temperature below 150C, rains and cloudy weather during bloom restrict the bee activity, which is completely inhibited below 50C and adversely affect fruit set.
- The optimum temperature for pollination, pollen germination and fruit setting is 18 to 220C.
- The areas with frost free spring and adequate sunshine during summer without wide fluctuation in temperature are most suitable for apple growing.
- Well distributed rainfall of about 100-125 cm throughout the season is considered most favorable.
- The long drought spells during fruit development and excessive rains and foggy conditions at maturity hamper fruit size and quality.
- Apple thrives best in loamy soils, which are rich in organic matter.
- A soil pH between 6,0 to 6.5 with good drainage and aeration are considered most suitable.
- The soil should be deep, fertile and free from hard substrates and waterlogged conditions.