Taxonomical classification
Order = Rosales
Family = Rosaceae
Sub-family = Prunoideae
Genus = Prunus
Species = amygdalus
Basic chromosome number = 8
Somatic chromosome number= 16

  • Almond is an important temperate fruit with widespread popularity for its kernels throughout the world.
  • It is a native to central Asian mountain areas (India, Iran and Pakistan).
  • Apart from raw consumption as an edible kernel of the drupe, it has also industrial applications as a major ingredient in many manufactured products.
  • The kernels are rich source of fat (54%), proteins (19%) minerals and vitamins.
  • Its oil called badam roghan is considered to have high nutritional, medicinal and industrial value.
  • Almond oil is used in confectionary and also for pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparation.
  • Kernels after blanching, roasting, frying and salting are very delicious and in great demand.
  • Green almond kernels are also consumed in the milky stage.
Area and Production:
  • Almond is cultivated mainly in regions situated between 360 and 450 N latitude.
  • The major almond producing countries are USA (48500MT) and Spain(21700MT), which account for about 50 per cent of the total world almond production. Other leading almond producing countries are Italy (119000MT), Iran (76000MT) Syria (67000MT), Morocco(66000MT), Greece(35000MT) and Turkey (34000MT).
  • In the world it occupies and area of …….. ha and production is 144737 MT(1999-2000).
  • In India, almond cultivation is confined mainly to Jammu and Kashmir, high hills of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
  • The state of Jammu Kashmir is the major almond producing state in the country.
  • Tthe area under almond cultivation is 18000 ha and the production was 9700 MT in Jammu and Kashmir, where as in HP the area is 5610 ha and the production is 1345MT (Annon, 2009-10).
  • In Himachal Pradesh almond are cultivated in Shimla, Mandi, Kinaaur, Chamba, Kangra and Sirmaur districts.
Morhological characters:-
  • The cultivated almond is a tree of medium height , branches are glabrous and one –year- old shoots are pale green to reddish brown in colour.
  • Flowers usually develop laterally on short spurs and have 1-5 flower buds, flower is perigynous with a single ovary enclosed in the floral cup that bears 30-40 stamens.
  • Flowers are hermaphrodite with white or pink petals, 5 sepals a single and unicarpel pistil which usually contain 2 ovules.
Varieties :-
  • Almost all cultivars of almond are self sterile and require pollinizer. Even a few cultivars like IXL and Non Pareil are cross sterile.
Recommended varieties for different states of India

Varieties for J & K :- Makhdoom, Parbat, Waris, Shalimar, Afghanistan Seedling, IXL, Merced and Non Pareil.

Himachal Pradesh
High and mid hills :- Merced, Non Pareil, IXL.
Valley areas:- :- Drake, Katha, Peerless, Ne Plus Ultra.
Dry temperate zone :- Ne Plus –Ultra, Texas, IXL
  • The almonds of seedling origin are classified in four groups viz. (i)paper shelled, (ii)soft shelled, (iii) semi- soft shelled and (iv) hard shelled.
Climate and soil :-
  • Among the various temperate nut and dry fruits, almond is the most exacting in its climatic requirement, favorable environmental conditions are essential for success in the cultivation of almond.
  • Among the various climatic factor, cool climate during winters plays a important role in flowering and regular sprouting in spring.
  • The chilling requirement for normal bud sprouting depends on the cultivars and are relatively low, ranging from 200 to 700 hours below 7.20C.
  • However, for successful cultivation, almond require cool winter, frost free spring and warm dry summers.
  • The limiting factor in almond cultivation is the spring frost, especially during full bloom or fruit set.
  • The tolerance to low temperature during bloom depends upon cultivars, Non Pareil and Ne Plus Ultra are highly tolerant to low temperature.
  • South facing slopes are considered the best for almond growing.
  • Rains during spring and summer cause blossom and fruit infection by brown and green rot organisms, while foggy and rainy weather during summer result in brown strains on the shells (due to stagmini blight) of ripening nuts.
  • Almond can be grown on all type of soils, but well drained loamy soils having pH of 5.5 to 6.8 are most suitable for its cultivation.
Last modified: Wednesday, 14 December 2011, 5:27 AM