Taxonomical classification
Family = Ebenaceae Genus = Diospyros Species = Kaki Basic chromosome = 15 Somatic nos = 60, 90
- Persimmon (Diospyros Kaki L.) is considered as the national fruit of Japan.
- The genus Diospyros contains approximately 400 species, most of which are native to tropical and sub-tropical regions.
- It is probably originated in China, where it has been cultivated for centuries. It was introduced from China into Japan in ancient times, where most of its improvement work has been done.
- In nineteenth century, it was introduced from China to many other countries namely USA, Brazil, Italy, New Zealand, Israel, Australia and South East Asia.
- In India, the European settlers introduced persimmon in hilly states namely Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir somewhere in 1921.
- At present, it is grown on a limited scale in Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
- No organized plantation of this fruit has get been done in India but with the diversification in fruit culture, it cultivation is gaining importance.
- Ripe fruit is delicious, flesh is sweet and jelly like. The entire fruit is edible except seed and calyx.
Area and Production:
- China and Japan are the main countries where commercial cultivation of persimmon is done. These two countries contribute major share to the global market.
- In recent years, its cultivation is also done in Brazil, Italy, New Zealand, Korea, USA and Australia.
- In the world it occupies an area of 312974 ha with a production of 23335607 MT.
Climate and soil:
- Persimmon can be grown in a wide range of subtropical and warm temperate climate.
- The areas 1000 to 1500 m amsl that have moderate winter and relatively mild summer are ideal for its cultivation
- It is a deciduous tree and can tolerate low temperature of -150C during dormancy, but its chilling requirement is less (less than 200 hrs), bud sprouting occurs early in the spring.
- These buds are damaged by the spring frost.
- During the maturation period, temperature is the most important factor for obtaining quality fruits. Non astringent cultivars require warmer condition for fruit maturation than the astringent type.
- Although persimmon can grow on a wide range of soil types yet it thrive best on deep, well drained loamy soil.
- A pH range of 6.5 to 7.5 is ideal for its growing.
Varieties:The fruit of Japanese persimmon shows wide variations in size, shape, and colour, and are broadly classified into two major groups.
(1) Non astringent (2) Astringent group
Varieties are also divided on their response to pollination.
(i) Non-astringent and pollination constant (PCMA) (ii) Non-astringent and pollination variant (PVHA) (iii) Astringent and pollination constant (iv) Astringent and pollination variant
Astringent cultivars: - Eureka, Hachiya, Honan Red, Triumph, Saijo Non-astringent cultivars: - Fuyu, Jiro, Hana Fuyu, Suruga, Gosho Pollination variant cultivars: Chocolate, Gailey, Hayakume, Maru.