Q.1 What are characteristics of temperate fruits?
Q.2. Classify temperate fruits based on plant stature.
Q.3. What are pome fruits? Give suitable examples of temperate pome fruits.
Q.4. Differentiate between drupe and nut fruits.
Q.5. Classify temperate fruits according to bearing habits.
Q.6. Classify temperate fruits based on fruit growth pattern.
Q.7. Write area and production of apple in India
Q.8. Write down soil and climatic requirements of apple
Q.9. Give detailed account of varietal status of apple in India
Q.10. What are clonal rootstocks and how they differ from seedling rootstocks? Write down methods of propagation of clonal rootstocks.
Q.11. Explain training and pruning of apple.
Q.12. Explain the role of growth regulators in apple
Q.13. Give manure and fertilizer schedule along with method and time of application for apple
Q.14. What is pollination problem in apple? Write in details pollination management in apple orchard.
Q.15. Discuss the maturity, harvesting grading and packing of apple
Q.16. What are major insect pests of apple? Suggest the suitable control measure.
Q.17. Give causal organism, symptoms and control of canker, apple scab and white root rot of apple
Q.18. Discuss in brief causes of low productivity of apple.
Q.19. What are symptoms premature leaf fall in apple and suggests control measure.
Q.20. Explain replant problem of apple.
Q.21. Write taxonomical classification of pear.
Q.22. Write different centres of origin of pear.
Q.23. Differentiate between European and asian pear . Give varietal status of both the pear.
Q.24. Give manure and fertilizer schedule of pear.
Q.25. Explain orchard soil and weed management of pear.
Q.26. Write down maturity indices used for judging optimum maturity. Explain harvesting , grading and post harvest management of pear. are maturity.
Q.27. Write soil and climatic requirement of peach.
Q.28. Differentiate between peach and nectarin. Give varietal status of peach and nectarin in India.
Q.29. Explain training and pruning of peach.
Q.30. What are adverse effect of drought in peach tree? Give irrigation scheduling in peach orchard.
Q.31. Write short notes on peach leaf curl and harvesting of peaches.
Q.32. Give taxonomical classification of apricot.
Q.33. Writ rootstock and propagation of apricot.
Q.34. Give maure and fertilizer schedule for apricot.
Q.35. Explain harvesting, grading and packing of apricot.
Q.35. Discuss orchard soil management in apricot orchard..
Q. 36. Explain species of plum
Q 37. Write climatic and soil requirement of plum
Q.38. Differentiate between Japanese and European plum. Give varietal status of Japanese plum in India.
Q.39. Discuss propagation of rootstocks and scion of plum.
Q.40. Write manure and fertilization of plum.
Q.41. Give orchard soil and weed management of plum.
Q.42. Write climatic requirement of cherry
Q.43. Differentiate between heart and Bigarreau groups of cherry and give their varieties.
Q.44. Explain training and pruning of cherry.
Q.45. Write rootstock status of cherry and give methods of propagation of clonal rootstocks of cherry.
Q.46. Discuss fruit cracking of cherry and its control measures.
Q.47.Suggest the suitable climate for kiwifruit cultivation.
Q.48.Write down methods of propagation of kiwifruit.
Q.49.Explain training and pruning of kiwifruit vines.
Q.50. What are pollination problem in kiwifruit. Suggest suitable methods to improve pollination in kiwifruit.
Q.51. Why thinning is essential in kiwifruit? Write short note of thinning in kiwifruit.
Q.52. Explain irrigation and orchard soil management in kiwifruit.
Q.53. Discuss harvesting, grading and packing of kiwifruit.
Q.54. Give taxonomical classification of strawberry.
Q.55. Write down soil and climatic requirements of strawberry.
Q.56. Explain planting and mulching in strawberry.
Q.57. Discuss manuring and fertilizer application in strawberry.
Q.58. Write soil and climatic requirements of persimmon
Q.59. Enlist astringent and non astringent varieties of persimmon
Q.60. Explain rootstocks and propagation of persimmon.
Q.61. Write harvesting, grading and packing of persimmon.
Q.62. Give climatic requirements of walnut
Q.63. Write propagation of walnut
Q.64. Write fertilization, harvesting and dehulling of walnut.
Q.65. Give varietal status of walnut.
Q.66. Give taxonomical classification of pecan nut
Q.67. What are soil and climatic requirements of pecannut
Q.68. Explain planting and planting density of Pecan nut
Q.69. Write propagation techniques of pecan
Q.70. Give manuring and fertilization in pecan orchards.
Q.71. Explain harvesting and shelling of pecan.
Q.72. Explain manuring, orchars soil management and propagation of chestnut
Q.73. Write harvesting of chestnut
Q.74. Explain pollination problem and its management in chestnut
Q.75 Give origin and introduction of Hazelnut
Q.76. Write soil and climatic requirement of Hazelnut
Q.77 Write propagation and varietal status of Hazelnut
Q.78. Explain Harvesting of Hazelnut.
Q.79. Give varietal status of chestnut
Q.80. Discuss manuring, weed control and training of Hazelnut.
Q.81. Write down the soil and climatic requirement of chestnut.
Last modified: Friday, 23 March 2012, 7:27 AM