Types of pruning

Types of pruning

    1. Light pruning:
    • Dried and dead branches are trimmed off.
    • Cut either at the 2nd or 3rd eye bud immediately below the flower bearing stalk.
    • Removing of tips upto 2-3 buds and is practiced in standard roses, climbers and ramblers.
    2. Moderate pruning:
    • Healthy shoots are pruned back to 45-60cm from the base.
    • Commonly practiced in floribundas and HT roses.
    3. Hard pruning:
    • Here keeping only three or four shoots of the last year growth and heading back at about three or four eyes from the base.
    • Practiced for rejuvenation of old bushes and weak plants
    • Pruning is done by leaving 10-30cm from the bud joint.
Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 10:33 PM