Where and how to prune?

Where and how to prune?

  • Every rose stems has eyes (buds) alternating on opposite sides in the leaf axils (usually outward and inward).
  • The basic rule in pruning is always to make the cut about half a centimeter above a vigorous bud that finds in the direction one desires the new shoot to grow.
  • Since the rose bush has to be kept open in the centre.
  • The cut is made at an outward growing bud in standard roses as well as in floribundas.
  • Where as in climbing roses the pruning is done at a bud pointing more or less upward.
  • Always encourage outward bud to expose the center open.
  • Whichever the bud is selected the cut should be slightly slant. As the horizontal cut retains moisture / sap and therefore, is liable to cause fungal growth,
  • While making the cut care should be taken not to make it too high above the eye (bud) as there may be chance of die back of shoot.
  • On the other hand if the cut is very nearer to the bud, it may die due to sap flow. So cut one inch above the bud.
  • It is absolutely necessary to cut the sharp end clean because the broken tissues, bruises or hanging shreds of bark will invite for infestation of pests & diseases.
  • All the cut ends should be pasted with cane sealer (copper fungicide) against the attack of fungus and cane boring insects.
  • Within a fortnight after pruning new flush of growth will start and within 45 days of pruning new flowers are ready for harvesting.
Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 10:32 PM