Methods used in plant breeding: Micro propogation

Methods used in plant breeding: Micro propogation

    Methods which are extensively used in plant breeding
    Involves the production of plant from very small plant parts through tissue culture techniques.
    • It is independent of seasonal constraints hence ensures year round rapid propagation.
    • Micro propagated plants are usually true to type.
    • Production of disease free plants.
    • Micro-propagated field grown plants usually exhibit vigorous growth, better quality and higher yields.
    Problems encountered in micro-propagation.
    • Microbial contamination.
    • Browning of the culture medium.
    • Callusing: Extensive callusing leads to variability among the regenerated plants.
    • Vitrification: Abnormal looking plants. It is because of liquid medium, it can be over come by conditioning.
    • Vulnerability of micro-propagated plants to transplanting shock.
    • Tissue culture induced variation.

Last modified: Monday, 12 March 2012, 9:09 AM