II. Phosphatic fertilizers

II. Phosphatic fertilizers

  • They are broadly classified into 3 major groups on the basis of their solubility either in water or in citrate or citric acid.
      a. Water soluble phosphatic fertilizers (Contain phosphoric acid or mono calcium phosphate.)
        1. Single Super phosphate (SSP)- 16-18 % P2O5
        2. Triple super phosphate (TSP) – 46-48 % P2O5
        3. Double super phosphate (DSP)- 32% P2O5
        4. Di-Ammonium phosphate (DAP)- 18%N and 46% P containing dicalcium phosphate
      b. Citric acid soluble phosphatic fertilizers
        1. Dicalcium phosphate (DCP) - 34-39% P2O5
        2. Rhenamia phosphate- 23-26% P2O5
        3. Basic slag- 14-18% P2O5
        4. Raw or steamed bone meal- part of P2O5 soluble in citric acid.
        5. Fused calcium magnesium phosphate- 16.5% P2O5
      c. Water insoluble or citric acid insoluble phosphatic fertilizers. Containing tricalcium phosphate [(Ca3 (PO4)2]
        Ex: Rock phosphate- 20-40% P2O5
        Raw bone meal- 20-25% P2O5
        Steamed bone meal- 22% P2O5
        Pyrophos - 17% P2O5
Last modified: Thursday, 1 December 2011, 5:43 AM